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- 100 point = $00fa
- 110 seqpoint = $00fc
- 120 loadflag = $000a
- 130 block = $0002
- 140 errorout = $a437
- 150 loadfile = $ffd5
- 160 error = $e1d1
- 170 status = $ffb7
- 180 morechar = $e206
- 190 setname = $ffbd
- 200 setparam = $ffba
- 210 getbyte = $e200
- 220 chkcom = $aefd
- 230 getstrng = $e257
- 240 *=$c350
- 250 lda #$a0
- 260 sta point+1
- 270 lda #$90
- 280 sta seqpoint+1
- 290 lda #0
- 300 sta point
- 310 sta seqpoint
- 320 sta loadflag
- 330 sta block
- 340 jsr getparam
- 350 loadloop *=*
- 360 lda loadflag
- 370 ldx point
- 380 ldy point+1
- 390 cpy #$c0
- 400 bcc notoomem
- 410 outofmem *=*
- 420 ldx #$10
- 430 jmp errorout
- 440 notoomem *=*
- 450 jsr loadfile
- 460 bcc noerr
- 470 jmp error
- 480 noerr *=*
- 490 jsr status
- 500 and #$bf
- 510 beq notlderr
- 520 ldx #$1d
- 530 jmp errorout
- 540 notlderr *=*
- 550 lda point+1
- 560 clc
- 570 adc #4
- 580 sta point+1
- 590 sei
- 600 lda #$36
- 610 sta 1
- 620 ldy #$4f
- 630 lda (point),y
- 640 pha
- 650 tay
- 660 clc
- 670 adc seqpoint
- 680 lda seqpoint+1
- 690 adc #0
- 700 cmp #$a0
- 710 bcs outofmem
- 720 lda #$ff
- 730 sta (seqpoint),y
- 740 dey
- 750 bmi endcopy
- 760 seqcopy *=*
- 770 lda (point),y
- 780 and #$f
- 790 ora block
- 800 sta (seqpoint),y
- 810 dey
- 820 bpl seqcopy
- 830 endcopy *=*
- 840 lda #$37
- 850 sta 1
- 860 cli
- 870 lda block
- 880 clc
- 890 adc #$10
- 900 sta block
- 910 pla
- 920 clc
- 930 adc seqpoint
- 940 sta seqpoint
- 950 bcc ninseqp
- 960 inc seqpoint+1
- 970 ninseqp *=*
- 980 jsr morechar
- 990 jsr getname
- 1000 ldy #0
- 1010 sty $b9
- 1020 beq loadloop
- 1030 getparam *=*
- 1040 lda #0
- 1050 jsr setname
- 1060 ldx #1
- 1070 tay
- 1080 jsr setparam
- 1090 jsr morechar
- 1100 jsr getbyte
- 1110 ldy #0
- 1120 jsr setparam
- 1130 jsr morechar
- 1140 getname *=*
- 1150 jsr chkcom
- 1160 jmp getstrng